Al mediodía llegaron Stefanie y Roel, una amistosa pareja holandesa con muchas ganas de navegar en kayak, acordamos en que volverían luego del almuerzo ya que los pronósticos mostraban una gradual mejora para las próximas horas.
Los acerque al centro de la ciudad y me acompañaron durante mis compras, luego los lleve a conocer el Muelle de Ramón y la zona de Roca Leones donde tomamos algunas fotos. Stefanie and Roel arrived at noon, a friendly holland with great wish to sailing in seakayak, we agreed to come back in after lunch as forecasts showed a gradual improvement for the next few hours.
Togheter we was to the center of the town my car and They accompanied me during my shopping, then I invited them to little tour to know the old (shore) Muelle de Ramon and the area of “Roca Leones” where we take some pictures.
A las 15:00 Hrs. regresaron nuevamente al embarcadero muy contentos con la calidad de los productos de mar que habían podido degustar durante su almuerzo en un restaurante cerca del puerto. At 15:00 Hrs. returned back to the pier are very pleased with the quality of sea foods that had been able to taste during their lunch in the restaurant near of the port. Realizamos las prácticas básicas de dominio del kayak en el área que esta entre Puerto Darwin y el muelle comercial principalmente en la zona del naufragio de la corbeta Swift (nave inglesa hundida en el año 1770) que a 16 mts. de profundidad seguramente vio pasar las sombras de nuestras embarcaciones por encima de ella en reiteradas oportunidades. We started with basic rules to sailing in kayak in the zone between Port Darwin and the commercial port in special in area of the sinking of the ship H.M.S. Swift (British ship sunk in the year 1770) who to 16 meters depth certainly saw the shadows of our kayaks passing over it repeatedly. Continuamos navegando con rumbo Oeste en dirección a la Isla Quinta, observando algunos Pinguinos de Magallanes, la fuerza de la corriente comenzaba a hacerse sentir, paramos en la costa de la Isla Larga para tomar un poco de agua fresca. 
We continue sailing to west to the Island Fifth looking some Magallanes Penguins, the force of the flow began to be felt, we stopped on the coast of Long Island to take a bit of fresh water.
Abandonamos rápidamente esa zona de inestabilidad y luego de varios minutos de navegación ingresamos al Cdon Torcido, quien una vez mas nos cobijo entre sus altas y rocosas paredes, allí todo era silencio y aguas calmas, atracamos en una pequeña playa para comer algunas frutas y reponer energías. Quickly leave the area of instability and after several minutes of sailing we can to reach Torcido Cannyon, who once again recived us in shelter and high rocky walls, everything was quiet there and calm waters, moored in a small beach to eat some fruit and replenishing energies.
We continue sailing to west to the Island Fifth looking some Magallanes Penguins, the force of the flow began to be felt, we stopped on the coast of Long Island to take a bit of fresh water.
Abandonamos rápidamente esa zona de inestabilidad y luego de varios minutos de navegación ingresamos al Cdon Torcido, quien una vez mas nos cobijo entre sus altas y rocosas paredes, allí todo era silencio y aguas calmas, atracamos en una pequeña playa para comer algunas frutas y reponer energías. Quickly leave the area of instability and after several minutes of sailing we can to reach Torcido Cannyon, who once again recived us in shelter and high rocky walls, everything was quiet there and calm waters, moored in a small beach to eat some fruit and replenishing energies.
Al salir del Canadón volvimos a la realidad ya que el viento había aumentado considerablemente asi que emprendimos nuestro retorno a muelle, el viento provenía ahora del Sur, en varias oportunidades pusimos proa al viento para cortar y disfrutar de las olas que nos acompañaron durante todo nuestro viaje.
Leaving the cannyon, we come back to reality as the wind had increased considerably so we took our return to dock, the wind came from the South now, on several occasions put forward to cut the wind and enjoy the waves that accompanied us throughout our trip.
Leaving the cannyon, we come back to reality as the wind had increased considerably so we took our return to dock, the wind came from the South now, on several occasions put forward to cut the wind and enjoy the waves that accompanied us throughout our trip.
La joven pareja holandesa formada por Stefanie y Roel ha demostrado tener el temple de antiguos y excelentes navegantes holandeses que surcaron estas aguas tales como: Olivier Van Noort (Puerto Deseado, 1599), Schouten y Le Maire (Puerto Deseado, 1616)
The young holland couple Stefanie & Roel has shown the character of old and excellent holland sailors crossed these waters, such as: Olivier Van Noort (Puerto Deseado, 1599), and Le Maire Schouten (Puerto Deseado, 1616).
Como era de esperar y se cumple en todos los ordenes de la vida, siempre después de un gran temporal viene un tiempo de calma, eso también ocurre en Puerto Deseado, vean que increíble atardecer!
As expected and complies in all things of life, after a long time is a time of calm, it also happens in Puerto Deseado, see that amazing sunset!
The young holland couple Stefanie & Roel has shown the character of old and excellent holland sailors crossed these waters, such as: Olivier Van Noort (Puerto Deseado, 1599), and Le Maire Schouten (Puerto Deseado, 1616).
Como era de esperar y se cumple en todos los ordenes de la vida, siempre después de un gran temporal viene un tiempo de calma, eso también ocurre en Puerto Deseado, vean que increíble atardecer!
As expected and complies in all things of life, after a long time is a time of calm, it also happens in Puerto Deseado, see that amazing sunset!