Today the weather invited to make any outdoor activity so that after the supply of double kayak voyage departed with course 2 5 0 to the Isle of Birds.
Navegábamos lentamente disfrutando las calmas aguas de la Isla Larga cuando decidimos hacer un giro por babor y dirigirnos al islote contiguo a esa isla, ese lugar es conocido como Islote de los lobos, allí habita una pequeña colonia de lobos marinos de 1 pelo de aproximadamente 50 animales, luego de dar una vuelta alrededor del islote retomamos nuestro rumbo original, la marea estaba creciendo y eso facilitaba nuestro avance, por lo que el viaje se hizo corto y muy placentero.
Slowly sailing enjoying the calm waters of Long Island when we decided to make a turn by portside and head to the islet adjacent to that island, this place is known as Islet of Lyons there lived a small colony of sea lions of 1 hair of about 50 animals, then take a drive around the islet to return to our original course, the tide was growing and that facilitated our progress, so the trip was short and very pleasant.
Slowly sailing enjoying the calm waters of Long Island when we decided to make a turn by portside and head to the islet adjacent to that island, this place is known as Islet of Lyons there lived a small colony of sea lions of 1 hair of about 50 animals, then take a drive around the islet to return to our original course, the tide was growing and that facilitated our progress, so the trip was short and very pleasant.
Llegamos a la Isla de los Pájaros, almorzamos y disfrutamos de la compañía de los curiosos pingüinos que se acercaban a inspeccionar nuestra embarcación, muchos de ellos se mostraron muy interesados en el timón y hasta propinaron algunos picotazos al mismo como si estuvieran testeando la resistencia de sus materiales.
We arrived at the Isle of Birds, we take lunch and enjoyed the company of the curious penguins who came to inspect our kayak, any of them were very interested in the rudder, this part of our kayak received a lot of push of beak so as if they were testing the resistance of its materials.
We arrived at the Isle of Birds, we take lunch and enjoyed the company of the curious penguins who came to inspect our kayak, any of them were very interested in the rudder, this part of our kayak received a lot of push of beak so as if they were testing the resistance of its materials.
Previo a nuestra zarpada, exploramos la isla identificando a las distintas aves que allí anidan, nuestro plan para regresar era esperar el cambio de la marea y aprovechar la bajante para continuar navegando sin esfuerzo, la marea cambió pero también lo hizo el viento que giró hacia el Sud-Este enviándonos constantes olas cortas que nuestra proa debió cortar hasta que llegamos al Cañadón Torcido, sus altas y abrigadas paredes son como dos brazos abiertos que siempre nos reciben en sus tranquilas aguas, allí hicimos una escala para descansar y secar un teléfono que por descuido nos quedo en un bolsillo externo.
Before our departure, we explored the island identifying the several kinds of birds that nest there, our plan was to wait to get back the tide of change and seize the descendant to continue sailing without effort, the tide changed, but so did the wind shift to South-East by sending constant short waves that had to cut our bow until we arrived at Torcido Canyon, its high walls and sheltered are like two open arms that we always receive in their calm waters, we made a stop there to rest and dry out a phone that by neglect us staying in an outside pocket.
Before our departure, we explored the island identifying the several kinds of birds that nest there, our plan was to wait to get back the tide of change and seize the descendant to continue sailing without effort, the tide changed, but so did the wind shift to South-East by sending constant short waves that had to cut our bow until we arrived at Torcido Canyon, its high walls and sheltered are like two open arms that we always receive in their calm waters, we made a stop there to rest and dry out a phone that by neglect us staying in an outside pocket.
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