lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008


Durante el pasado fin de semana, Darwin Expeditions dió inicio a su Temporada 2008-2009 con una interesante participación de turistas en su tradicional recorrido dentro de la ria local.De regreso de la excursion, los turistas disfrutaron de las exquisiteces del Resto-bar de Puerto Darwin, comentando muy contentos acerca de la diversidad de animales que pudieron observar, entre ellos: Pinguinos de Magallanes, Lobos de mar, Cormoranes Grises e Imperiales, Petreles, Patos vapor, Maka, ostreros, gaviotas cocineras, Palomas Antarticas y quienes acompañaron por largo rato a la embarcacion fueron nuestras Toninas overas.

During the past weekend, Darwin Expeditions began its 2008-2009 season with an interesting involving tourists in their traditional route into the local ria (estuary).
Back from the trip, the tourists enjoyed the delights of the Darwin Port's Resto-bar commenting excited about the diversity of animals that were able to observe, among them: Magellanic penguins, sea lions, Grey Cormorants and Imperial Cormorants, Petrels, Ducks steam, Great Grebes, Oystercatchers, Gulls cooks, Snowy sheatbills and who accompanied and for a long time to the boat were our Commerson Dolphins.

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